“Once again I have encountered a book that proves how wonderful it is to become immersed in a rich, long novel . . .this novel has it all: seduction, danger, revenge, and a mystery that the author teases with mastery.  Zafon has outdone even the mighty Charles Dickens” . . . .The Philadelphia Inquirer

Is there anything more exciting than discovering an author who makes you think, feel, and yearn to read every book he has ever written?  We think not!

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

was unknown to us until, our fearless leader, Lezley Hodes, the founder of Book Club Babes, chose his brilliant THE SHADOW OF THE WIND, as our read for May.

As readers and writers how could we not be dazzled by a novel about the power that one book can exert over the right reader.?

Debi totally agreed with Stephen King. . .

”If you thought the true gothic novel died with the nineteenth century, this will change your mind.  The Shadow of the Wind is the real deal, a novel where even the subplots have subplots . . this is one gorgeous read”

One of Debi’s favorite quotes was on page 209, “Books are mirrors:  you only see in them what you all have inside you.”

I have too many favorite quotes, images, insights to choose . . . only to state that I give the author the ultimate compliment . . . I literally could not stop turning the pages!

There are few more enticing-sounding places than the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.

Please don’t forget to click through to our YouTube Channel, Dare to be Curious for the rest of the story . . . really, you should!