Good Morning America recommended The Midnight Library as a great read so Book Club Babes jumped on the bandwagon and made it our choice for the month!

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

is about a mystical library that lets people sample all the ways their lives MIGHT have gone had they made other choices.

As we know, life is all about choice and consequence.

After attempting suicide (frankly we had a bit of trouble with that decision) Heroine, Nora, arrives between life and death at The Midnight Library which is filled with books about all her “possible lives” – it appears endless!

It is the multiverse where we are all living different lives at the same time. Nora has the chance to live all her lives. And of course time has no meaning in the library. Nora can spend mere minutes in one of her lives, or she can spend months deciding if that is the life worth living.

Will Nora make the path from suicide to closure, from regret to acceptance?

Dear Reader, you must take the journey with her to find out.

Full Disclosure!

The Midnight Library

was a hard read at the beginning – not an immediate page turner for us.

It did build to the point where, yes, we wanted to read another chapter to find out what happened next.

This book ignited quite a discussion at our Book Club Babes – one of the longest and heated.

Please join us on YouTube DARE TO BE CURIOUS to get the rest of the story!