Posts in books & writing

Good Morning America recommended The Midnight Library as a great read so Book Club Babes jumped on the bandwagon and made it our choice for the month!

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

is about a mystical library that lets people sample all the ways their lives MIGHT have gone had they made other choices.

As we know, life is all about choice and consequence.

After attempting suicide (frankly we had a bit of trouble with that decision) Heroine, Nora, arrives between life and death at The Midnight Library which is filled with books about all her “possible lives” – it appears endless!

It is the multiverse where we are all living different lives at the same time. Nora has the chance to live all her lives. And of course time has no meaning in the library. Nora can spend mere minutes in one of her lives, or she can spend months deciding if that is the life worth living.

Will Nora make the path from suicide to closure, from regret to acceptance?

Dear Reader, you must take the journey with her to find out.

Full Disclosure!

The Midnight Library

was a hard read at the beginning – not an immediate page turner for us.

It did build to the point where, yes, we wanted to read another chapter to find out what happened next.

This book ignited quite a discussion at our Book Club Babes – one of the longest and heated.

Please join us on YouTube DARE TO BE CURIOUS to get the rest of the story!

These Tangled Vines

Can’t summer in Italy this year?

Never Fear!

Book Club Babes’ June choice, These Tangled Vines, by Julianne MaClean will transport you there!

This great Summer read

spills over with the sumptuous flavors and romance of Tuscany.

It is a journey of love, secrets, sacrifice, courage –

and most importantly, the true meaning of family

Please take the journey with us

by clicking though to our YouTube Channel, Dare to be Curious, as we not only discuss the book but also share a history of Tuscany

and are presented wine selections

by the Maestro of the Chicago Delegation of The Knights of the Truffle and Wines of Alba, Italy, Georgia K. Marsh.

A book and an evening to remember.


“Once again I have encountered a book that proves how wonderful it is to become immersed in a rich, long novel . . .this novel has it all: seduction, danger, revenge, and a mystery that the author teases with mastery.  Zafon has outdone even the mighty Charles Dickens” . . . .The Philadelphia Inquirer

Is there anything more exciting than discovering an author who makes you think, feel, and yearn to read every book he has ever written?  We think not!

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

was unknown to us until, our fearless leader, Lezley Hodes, the founder of Book Club Babes, chose his brilliant THE SHADOW OF THE WIND, as our read for May.

As readers and writers how could we not be dazzled by a novel about the power that one book can exert over the right reader.?

Debi totally agreed with Stephen King. . .

”If you thought the true gothic novel died with the nineteenth century, this will change your mind.  The Shadow of the Wind is the real deal, a novel where even the subplots have subplots . . this is one gorgeous read”

One of Debi’s favorite quotes was on page 209, “Books are mirrors:  you only see in them what you all have inside you.”

I have too many favorite quotes, images, insights to choose . . . only to state that I give the author the ultimate compliment . . . I literally could not stop turning the pages!

There are few more enticing-sounding places than the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.

Please don’t forget to click through to our YouTube Channel, Dare to be Curious for the rest of the story . . . really, you should!


Millions watched FEUD: Capote vs. The Swans on Hulu and millions read CAPOTE’S WOMEN, the book on which the series is based, BUT Sherrill met swan, C.Z GUEST IN PERSON!

C.Z. is portrayed by Chloe Sevigny in FEUD.

Capote once described her, “Who could have imagined that lurking inside this cool vanilla lady was a madcap, laughing tomboy?”

When Sherrill met her, later in her life, she still liked getting her hands dirty.

C.Z. had written books on gardening and was speaking about her passion for flowers and her book at the home of a well- known Chicago TV anchor.

C.Z. was still cool and blond when she and Sherrill met in the spacious “powder room.”

She smiled and complimented Sherrill on her flowery flowing dress so appropriate for the luncheon.

As women will do, they chatted about fashion, flowers and the fun event.  It was a memorable five minutes.

Over the decades

much has been written about Truman Capote, his literary talent of which he was richly blessed.

His True Crime masterpiece, IN COLD BLOOD, caused millions to start locking their doors at night.

His whimsical wonderful novella, BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S, became the favorite film of millions with Holly Golightly becoming one of Capote’s best-known creations.  Certainly, Audry Hepburn burned her into the American culture.

But who was this man who created worlds in which readers could lose themselves?

A genius, a con-man, friend or foe?

Ultimately, he was all of the above.

His swans took him into their hearts and their homes and he stabbed them in the back with his words.


Laurence Leamer gives us the bold and beautiful New York in a time gone by.

CAPOTE’S WOMAN is a true story of love, betrayal and a swan song for an era.

C.Z. Guest was the only swan who did not desert him.  I believe it.


Curious about

why renounced producers wanted to do yet another version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic The Great Gatsby, Book Club Babes chose to read it.

There have been four film versions,

the latest in 2013. None of the Great Gatsby movies can replace the experience of reading the book – visualizing the characters – recognizing the grandeur of the parties and really diving into the larger themes of the book.

The Great Gatsby is a slim volume rich in its portrayal of the Roaring Twenties.

This enduring classic has had its critics over the century since it was written. Some say the Great Gatsby is truly great – others say not so much. However, it is certainly poetic and certainly worth revisiting.

Like all our Book Club Babes gatherings we get into the theme – Roaring 20’s attire – the drink – the food – the music of the time

Add these elements to your own Book Club – it really does make for a richer adventure.

Join us on our YouTube Channel Dare To Be Curious to share in our party!


We are often asked about writing – Sherrill’s novels and travel articles – Debi’s Divine Biscotti baking and recipe book.

We love sharing LIVING LOVING AND LEARNING on this blog and our YouTube channel,


Now we are expanding our sharing to speaking at conferences.

We both have been speakers many times for large groups before COVID. AS we all know, the world changed in 2020 and is only now righting itself.

We are delighted to report that we will be “in the trenches” speaking at Evanston Writers Workshop In The Trenches Conference 2023.

Sherrill spoke at their first conference and won their Bard Award. She is excited to return to this conference November 2 thru November 5 at the lovely Hyatt Regency in Deerfield, Illinois. Debi is equally excited about being a part of this inspiring event.

In The Trenches is a learning opportunity for all interested in writing for every genre. PLUS – voice acting/narration classes will be taught by the famous Carlos Ferro.

More details to follow! We must share one of our favorite quotes about learning.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go”….Dr. Seuss

Get your ticket today!

We’re Curious… Where is your Happy Place?


As writers and readers we have always known a romance reading habit doesn’t need to be hidden between the covers of a literary masterpiece you are pretending to read – or only whispered about to select friends.

It is to be proudly talked about – like now – with Emily Henry’s HAPPY PLACE!

HAPPY PLACE is funny at points but it is also sad.

As readers we were confused by the choices made by the main characters, Harriet and Wyn, which generated much debate at Book Club Babes! Which is exactly how it should be in any Book Club discussion – that is the magic of it.

The setting is a Summer House in Maine, complete with lobsters on the beach and wandering through charming little towns to visit beloved favorite stores/restaurants for ice cream, drinks, etc.

Clearly this is a Summer Beach/Holiday Read!

And clearly, Emily Henry’s message is the only Happy Place any of us can count on is one another.

Will you Dare to be the Hero of your Own Life?

“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anyone else, these pages must show” Dickens David Copperfield

Barbara Kingsolver’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, Demon Copperhead, reimagines Dicken’s story in modern rural America with poverty and opioid addition.

Demon’s words are quite fatalistic, instead of hopeful: “Save or be saved, these are questions. You want to think it’s not over til the last page.”

Sounds grime, right?

Not necessarily.

Resilience - the trait that no one can define. Some have it. Sadly, others do not

It is our reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how our life’s story will develop.

As Nelson Mandela stated, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.

Resilience is the theme of Sherrill’s memoir and Debi’s poetry which we will be sharing soon.

Supporting others to overcome adversity and build resilience will be explored more fully on our YouTube channel, DARE TO BE CURIOUS

Our theme has always been “We are all in this together.”

Please join us.


The theme of this astonishing novel, FOREIGN AFFAIRS BY ALLISON LURIE, is how we change when we move to a new place and we are not surrounded by the expectations of others.

Sherrill agrees to that theory as she has moved twenty-four times from one part of the USA to the other – each time a reinvention!

The book takes place in England and since we are both Anglophiles like the main character, Vinnie, we immediately identified with her!

The book takes place in England and since we are both Anglophiles like the main character, Vinnie, we immediately identified with her!

She is there on a grant to work on her new book about children’s folk rhymes. Sherrill identified with Vinnie on many levels – not only because she is small in stature and wears a size five shoe!

Vinnie is also a woman who has given up and believes no one will truly love her because no man ever has.  So when she finds someone who is not remotely the sort of man she can seriously imagine for herself, it changes her.

The big moment for her is when she does something frightening and uncomfortable because she wants to do what Chuck would have expected of her. His view of her is that she’s an absolutely wonderful person.  She knows she’s not, but she wants to live up to that view of herself. And by doing this thing, which she doesn’t think of as very important, she has a tremendous effect on the lives of others.

There are countless rich layers to this book and so many fascinating characters.  Fred, Vinnie’s young colleague, in England doing his research without his recently separated wife – he is miserable until he meets a beautiful unpredictable English actress and is introduced into her dizzyingly romantic world.




World Storytelling Day is a global celebration of the art of storytelling.

It is celebrated every year on the March equinox – March 20th.

On that day, as many people as possible tell and listen to stories in as many languages and at as many places as possible during that day and night.

It all started without much coordination or without much fanfare in the 90’s in Sweden, Australia, Mexico and other Latin American countries.  It has grown into a worldwide phenomenon because really, who doesn’t love a great story?

Activities are planned on days around the equinox.  Some examples of what can be done:

–Surprise a school with storytellers in the classrooms

– Organize an event at your library

– Combine Storytelling with music and/or dance

– Team up with a restaurant (take a page from Ashford Castle in Ireland where they have a resident storyteller in their restaurant)

– Share stories at a Senior Home


we chose to invite two of our friends and fellow writers to talk with us about how they tell their stories.  Join us and meet New York Times Bestseller and author of over 100 published novels, Patricia Rosemoor and Cheryl Jefferson, award winning TV & film producer and author of both fiction and non-fiction.

The theme of World Storytelling Day 2023 is “TOGETHER WE CAN”

These women can and have – they have amazing stories to tell!

Considering what’s going on worldwide this is an excellent theme choice to help build community and inspire change.

Do you have a story to tell?  Please come be inspired at our YouTube channel, DARE TO BE CURIOUS!

Click Here to Buy these great books!

These are paid links - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


For a February Book Club Babes,

how could we NOT select a novel about passion, jewelry, love and secrets by one of the most popular authors alive, Danielle Steel?


is the perfect fairytale: A woman’s legacy is shaped by tragedy, fortitude and undying devotion which transforms lives and hearts long after she is gone – thus fulfilling at last her most precious bequest.

Danielle Steel has said

that each of her books begin with an image or character or situation that she cared about deeply.  It is clear in this book that she cared deeply about righting a long ago wrong.  She has the gift of knowing the pulses of her readers so she made us root for all the heroines to find their happy endings. To unveil the past so all would have a brighter future.

As writers we agree with her statement:

“Writing is a solitary endeavor, but not a lonely one.  When you write, your world is populated by the characters you invent, and you feel those people filling your life.”

Her characters filled the pages of Property of a Noblewoman.

Go spend time with them and enjoy the fairytale.


Once, at a Writer’s Conference,

a reader rushed up, shouting, “I’m so mad at you!  I stayed up all night reading your book!”

It is the highest compliment one can give a writer! 

We give it to Taylor Jenkins Reid for her book, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.

There are so many levels of reading pleasure in this book – where to start?

The voice of the author immediately drew us in as she introduced the main characters: the young reporter and the silver-screen legend finally ready to tell her story.

And what a story it is!

We loved the glam of old Hollywood and the thinly veiled tales that mirrored true life.

There is juicy gossip – characters who made us want to know “what happened?” – so we kept turning pages to get answers.

And the book gives the reader those answers which surprise and captivate

At its heart, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, is about the depth and breadth of true love.

It doesn’t get any better than that!

There is no better time than the first month of a new year to start reading a new book!

Join our book club vicariously through us – share the experience and the journey.

Just click on the link above and get your book!

We’d love to hear how YOU feel about Evelyn Hugo!

The Godfather is still Golden after 50 years

The Godfather is still Golden after 50 years

Francis Ford Coppola’s Oscar Winning Adaptation of Mario Puzo’s The Godfather is considered a cinematic masterpiece 50 years after it was released in 1972.

When our Book Club Babes chose the novel to read we decided to go with the season and dress the part.  Honestly, there are parts of the book much scarier than ghosts and monsters in any Halloween Fright-fest film!

The author stated that the book was not based on his life but the story came from research and inspired by real-life mob boss Frank Costello.  Which means much of what is written about in the novel actually happened!

We discussed endless stories about the book – like the author and Frank Sinatra getting into a near physical altercation over the novel at Chasen’s, then a celebrity hot spot  near Beverly Hills. 

How certain lines from the novel have become part of our lexicon …”Revenge is a dish that tastes best when served cold”…to the most famous . . .”I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse”

Meeting at one of our favorite Italian restaurant’s, Lucia’s, enhanced our discussion that the underlying theme of The Godfather is family, love and loyalty.

We love the immersive experience of our book club and love sharing it will all of you.

Stay tuned for our November book!

2022 Resolutions

Dare To Be Curious

Making New Year’s Resolutions is not new – the tradition began 4,000 years ago!

January was named for the two-faced Roman god, Janus, who looks forward for new beginnings as well as backward for reflection and resolution.

For the world the last two years have been so challenging a new year automatically means “its gotta be better”!

The definition of resolutions is “a firm decision to do or not to do something”.

This year we chose to NOT make resolutions but instead to write down goals and an action plan to reach them.

We tried to not fall into the trap of setting outrageous, unattainable goals – like losing ten pounds this week – but when we do lose that Covid 10 we will treat ourselves by running to our favorite local stores to buy those new dresses that helps the economy and makes us feel fabulous!

Also, we have found it beneficial to create incentives – like if we DO exercise 5 times a week we put money in our travel fund for exciting adventures we will be sharing with you in the coming months!

Life Has Taught us

that we can’t wait for something magical to happen in the new year – WE are the real magic working and striving to achieve our goals!

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering it will be happier.” Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Click through to Our

DARE TO BE CURIOUS YouTube channel

as we share how we ALL can make the year shout WE ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN!


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Subscribe to our YouTube channel for new videos every week at “Dare to be Curious” at

Follow us on Social Media on Instagram @sherrillbodine and @debicatenacci

Don’t forget to check out our books, which are easily found at and at

“Talk of the Town” by Sherrill Bodine

“Divine Biscotti” by Debi Catenacci

Websites: and

Dare To Be Curious

Are you curious?

Wondering how you’re going to get from where you are to where you desire to be?  If so, join us on a new journey!

Today is the day, and we are launching ”Dare to be Curious” because we believe we all can mine the confidence, strength, and power within us to create the life of our dreams.

Dreams cost frustration, tears, courage, choices, perseverance and extraordinary patience.  WE can help you realize those dreams of a big, bigger, biggest life by encouraging you to DARE TO BE CURIOUS about your own life.  Whether you are feeling stalled, or if you are transitioning through a career change, divorce or widowhood, you can create and face the new version of yourself.

We will show you how to manifest the beautiful, elegant happy life that you desire.  By showing you how to be curious about yourself, your passions, your style and lifestyle.  Now is the time to invest in the greatest gift of all – YOU!

Ask Yourself This…

Are you curious as to how to be a more interesting person?

Curious as to how to bake something new?

Curious as to how to write a book?

Curious as to how to tap into your muse?

Curious as to how to create a beautiful happy environment, regardless of the size of your house or room?

Curious about travel, food, or fashion?

Curious as to how other entrepreneurial women have achieved their dreams?

Curious as to how to take the first step?

Well, you’ve come to the right place, and we are so happy you are here!

Once we read the following quote:

“When I look into the future, it’s so bright it burns my eyes”.

Well, put on your sunglasses and join us on this journey.  We invite you to read our blog every Wednesday and following us on our YouTube Channel every Thursday.

Every day is a brush stroke on the canvas of our lives – paint with joy!

Always Dare to be Curious,

Cheers to You,

Sherrill and Debi


P.S. You can follow us on Instagram @sherrillbodine and @debicatenacci

Websites: and

Don’t forget to check out our books, which are easily found on Amazon at and

“Talk of the Town” by Sherrill Bodine and

“Divine Biscotti” by Debi Catenacci

The Chicago Series: All I Want Is You

Yes, I write about real people but I change the names to protect the guilty – the innocent don’t need protecting!  Chicago is full of fascinating characters – come meet them in my Chicago Series! Begin with the sexy fun of Talk of the Town ( chosen as a Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Read”) – the mystery deepens in A Black Tie Affair – and you have it all plus happy endings in All I Want Is You!


“4.5 stars!  Get ready for fun, mayhem, mystery and romance in this more-genres-for-your-money read.  Bodine has filled her book with quirky characters and a fabulous Windy City setting. A flawless narrative and fantastic love story round out the latest from this talented author.”  ROMANTIC TIMES BOOK REVIEWS


Vintage boutique owner Venus Smith is stunned to realize her newest acquisition comes with a larcenous legend.  Stolen years ago, the antique mermaid brooch belongs to the Clayworth family. The right thing to do would be to return it, but that means facing Connor Clayworth O’Flynn, the sexy department store heir Venus has had an unrequited crush on since childhood – and the man who helped ruin her father.


Connor knows that Venus has never forgiven him for what happened between their families.  But business isn’t personal, even though Venus’s father’s betrayal still cuts him like a knife.  So when Venus proposes a deal – she’ll return his family’s brooch if he helps clear her father’s name – he reluctantly agrees.  As action-packed days turn into flirtatious fall nights, it isn’t long before old memories resurface … and new desires ignite. Can two young lovers leave the past behind?  Or must they first admit that all they’ve ever really wanted … is each other?

books & writingWOTW
The Chicago Series: A Black Tie Affair

Yes, I write about real people but I change the names to protect the guilty – the innocent don’t need protecting!  Chicago is full of fascinating characters – come meet them in my Chicago Series! Begin with the sexy fun of Talk of the Town ( chosen as a Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Read”) – the mystery deepens in A Black Tie Affair – and you have it all plus happy endings in All I Want Is You!


A Black Tie Affair is a charming romantic romp I thoroughly enjoyed…Sherrill Bodine has found a way to open a glamorous world everyone can delight in.” BLOGS.PUBLISHERSWEEKLY.COM


Fashion curator Athena Smith will do anything to get her perfectly manicured hands on the Clayworth family’s celebrated couture collection for her exhibit.  So when she’s called in to make sure the gowns are the real deal, she’s ecstatic …until a dress she’s examining turns out to be loaded with toxins (talk about killer threads!) and Athena faints, only to wake up face-to-face with the One That Got Away, notorious Chicago bachelor Drew Clayworth.

Drew still believes Athena betrayed him all those years ago, and he’s sure he can’t trust her.  But when the priceless gowns go missing, she offers to help track them down. Reluctantly allied in the quest, Drew and Athena are soon stunned by the barely restrained passion still sizzling between them … and memories both bitter and sweet.  Is their new partnership just a business arrangement? Or is this something more than … A Black Tie Affair

books & writingWOTW
The Chicago Series: Talk of the Town

Yes, I write about real people but I change the names to protect the guilty – the innocent don’t need protecting!  Chicago is full of fascinating characters – come meet them in my Chicago Series! Begin with the sexy fun of Talk of the Town ( chosen as a Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Read”) – the mystery deepens in A Black Tie Affair – and you have it all plus happy endings in All I Want Is You!


“What a hoot!  Laugh-out-loud rollicking romance…Juicy gossip, fashion advice, delish recipes, and sexy romps; Talk of the Town is destined to be the talk of romance readers everywhere!”


Darlings, what a to-do at the Daily Mail today!  After fifteen years as Chicago’s gossip guru, Rebecca Covington has been demoted from divulger of secrets for the city’s elite to headlining recipes in the Home and Food section.  Apparently, a touchy senator is threatening legal action for Rebecca’s latest extramarital scoop. But Windy City rumor has it that new CEO and dreamy Pierce Brosnan look-alike David Sumner downgraded Rebecca in favor of fresher, younger blood on the social beat.

Industry insiders expect Rebecca to fight her denouement and inquiring minds have already seen the feisty maven trading quips and searing glances with her arresting new boss.  Rebecca swears she’ll reclaim her shining star status, but can the dishy diva even cook? And how can she ignore David’s arousing effect on her sensibilities?

Don’t miss a trick, darlings.  Sparks are going to fly.

books & writingWOTW
The Regency Series: The Duke's Deceit

The Battle of Waterloo was such an important event in the regency period I felt compelled to write about the circumstances surrounding it and bring to life Lord Matthew Blackwood, an idealist with the heart of a lion.  His love story and marriage to Miss Serena Fitzwater is a whirlwind before he is called back to Wellington’s staff but when he returns he is not the same man. Exploring that relationship with all its complexities was an exciting adventure into the meaning of true love.

It was not until Serena confronted her brother-in-law, Richard, soon to be the Duke of Avalon with “it is my fondest wish that when your tiny heart is finally given, the lady crumbles it to dust” that I knew what his story must be.

Two very different brothers each fighting their demons and the women who will give them the strength to succeed.



When Mary Masterton informed the handsome stranger that they were engaged, he had no reason to doubt her.  After all, his head injury had resulted in complete memory loss. Mary, however, remembered clearly the stable fire and the mysterious rider who had saved her horses  … and who had unwittingly become her fiancé to thwart the advances of a vile and loathsome suitor.

His signet ring became their clue to his true identity: he was Richard, Duke of Avalon and when he insisted that Mary accompany him back to London, she vowed to reveal the truth… even though she had fallen hopelessly in love.  If only the truth were as simple as deceit.

books & writingWOTW
The Regency Series: A Soldier's Heart

The Battle of Waterloo was such an important event in the regency period I felt compelled to write about the circumstances surrounding it and bring to life Lord Matthew Blackwood, an idealist with the heart of a lion.  His love story and marriage to Miss Serena Fitzwater is a whirlwind before he is called back to Wellington’s staff but when he returns he is not the same man. Exploring that relationship with all its complexities was an exciting adventure into the meaning of true love.

It was not until Serena confronted her brother-in-law, Richard, soon to be the Duke of Avalon with “it is my fondest wish that when your tiny heart is finally given, the lady crumbles it to dust” that I knew what his story must be.

Two very different brothers each fighting their demons and the women who will give them the strength to succeed.



The boldness that made Lord Matthew Blackwood an excellent soldier had readied him for his chosen battle of the heart.  Blissfully, no fight was necessary. Miss Serena Fitzwater surrendered quickly to this handsome stranger who captured her body and soul.

A storybook courtship, a whirlwind marriage…then sadly, Matt was called back to the war.  But the wounded hero who later returned was no longer the fairy-tale knight of Serena’s first flush romance.  This was a stranger.

In truth, Serena, too, had changed.  The naïve young bride had blossomed. And now, the true battle of hearts would begin: for they must take the threads of yesterday and weave a new beginning.

books & writingWOTW